Welcome to Anubhav Nidhi Ashram

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The Only thing that comes to us without effort is OLD AGE.

Join our campaign and give home and hope to homeless people.

"Food and Shelter for Elders "

Anubhav Nidhi is a Foster Home for our elders. It is Situated in District-Agra, Uttar Pradesh state of India, we meet out day to day expenses of our recreational home through charities and donations. We are intended to provide a perfect home to the people in their golden age. India has always been close to its culture but with the effect of modernization, we see children are migrating to other cities leaving behind their parents with almost no-one to take care of. We always welcome anyone who needs shelter, regardless of caste and religion.

You can express your Love, Affection and Support for our Senior Citizens and for our other social activities by contributing to Anubhav Nidhi Ashram. You can share your joy on a day that is special to you (e.g. your Birthday, Wedding Anniversary, Memory day etc.) by sponsoring their meals for that day.



All the inmates of the home have led a dignified life in the past. It is fate that they are now uncared. So we want to keep them without any worries in their heart and with happiness they do deserve. We are somehow managing to keep them with minimum facilities with the funds we are raising through various sources.
Our services range from feeding the inmates, buying them clothes and taking care of their health needs. In order to keep the premises clean, we have employed people.

Anubhav Nidhi Ashram